Saturday, 14 May 2016


Back in 1981, someone I know bought IAN GILLAN's new album, FUTURE SHOCK, and used to play this track all the time.  I must confess I actually quite like it, but wish that JIM REEVES had still been around to record it.  Anyway, here's Ian (you'll be glad to know).


Anonymous said...

Kid, can you seriously see Jim Reeves recording a hard-rock track like this ? His style was easy-listening ballads.

Kid said...

Yeah, I can actually, CJ. Here's why. When Jim Reeves first started out, although he preferred ballads by all accounts, the style of the day (where he came from) was country songs by Jimmy Rodgers and Hank Williams. So that's the type of songs Jim sang, in that raw country style. I have songs in my collection that he sang as country (RAW country), and also later recordings of the same songs in a soft ballad style. You probably wouldn't even realize it was the same singer if you weren't familiar with his output. On a 16 CD (imported) set I have, there's an ad for Mary Carter paints that he does 3 versions of: Country, Swing, and ballad. He was actually very versatile, with a powerful voice. So I can actually see him doing an acceptable (at least) version of this song.

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