Friday, 11 September 2015


Artist WALTER HOWARTH painted quite a few Annual covers in his day, as well as pictures for a couple of JAMES BOND jigsaws by ARROW GAMES in the '60s (the first two you see here).  Around 1998/'00, he re-created them for a private commission, plus another two which had originally been painted by a different artist. These are the re-creations - enjoy!

And here are two of the actual jigsaw boxes for you to compare.

And here are the other two - out of sequence because the
reproduction isn't quite as good as the previous pair.


  1. Love the Thunderball underwater fight and the rocket pack with Bond in his poster pose without touching any controls.

  2. These two pics were originally on the Thunderball movie poster, IM. I'm not sure whether they simply lifted them from it, or got them repainted by another artist for the boxes. Then Walter Howarth re-created them many years later.

  3. So did he do the movie poster too then? Because I recognize that art as well.

  4. No, Phil, Walter didn't do the movie poster - he later re-created those two pics as part of a private commission. Had Walter originally painted them and had Arrow Games simply lifted them from the poster, then the two Thunderball jigsaw pics wouldn't have been by another artist as I said in the post. I don't think the modern re-creations are quite as good as the pics on the original boxes ('though still very accomplished), but he was in his '70s when he painted them.

  5. The original Thunderball poster artwork was by US artist Frank McCarthy.

  6. Thanks, BS. I've got a big book of Bond posters that gives the artists' names, but I was too lazy to dig it out and look it up.


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