Friday 11 September 2015


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I don't know who'll be more relieved when we get to the last part of this series - you or me!  However, I've started so I'll finish.  Here's PEPITA from PORTUGAL!  What I'd like to know is why they didn't do a GORDON from GLASGOW - that would've been a hit!  (Well, it sure would've been with me!)

"This little boy is Gordon from Glasgow.  His daddy is the leader of one of the City's razor gangs.  If you run a shop or business, Gordon's daddy will pay you a visit with his associates and kindly and considerately lighten the load in your till, wallet or safe.  For this, you will receive protection from being robbed - by everybody but Gordon's daddy and his team of vicious psychopaths.

There are six razors hidden in the picture.  Can you find them?  (Better not grass to the police.)"


  1. What I'd like to know is why they didn't do a
    GORDON from GLASGOW - that would've been a hit!

    Will he had worn a kilt, you decide! ;-)

  2. Lol very funny Kid :) - maybe he'd have worn a kilt way back then, nowadays it would be one of those awful Hoodies with mega baggy jeans (neds today have no style or class!)

  3. Not like in the old days, eh, McScotty? Their shoes, like their razors, were always impeccably polished.

  4. Yeah I went to Scotland for a holiday and there was only one person wearing a kilt the entire time I was there, a guy playing bagpipes, what's up with that? Apparently kilts went out of fashion in 1962 because of a shortage of ladies' bicycles.

    I quite like this illustration, it's a play on a classic subject, although I think you'll find wellies are generally not preferred by fishermen, too much glug glug if you accidentally find yourself in the water.

    The parody was very effective Kid, the chortles this end of the internet were quite loud. Now you're back in the game, you should submit it to Viz, with some of your excellent artwork of course.

  5. And that guy in the kilt was probably a busking tourist, DSE. Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not really 'back in the game' - just circling around the edges. (And I don't think I'm RUDE enough for Viz. Cue someone saying "don't you mean good enough?")

  6. Kid, my mother once said to me " I was really disappointed when I met your father's family" so I asked why and she said "I thought they'd all be wearing kilts"..!! That would have been in about 1953 - she'd probably been looking at too many photos of the Royal Family at Balmoral. By the way, your Playmates feature is in the wrong order - at the bottom it says that next week there'll be one from Turkey but we had fez-wearing, rabbit-combing Abdul last time.

  7. Actually, it was DCT that published them in the wrong order, CJ. That's the exact sequence they appeared in. And the 'Royal Family' aren't Scottish, remember. I bet they wear leeks when they go to Wales.

  8. Well, the Royal family are a mixture of Germans and Greeks but they live at Balmoral for several months of the year and wear kilts - but they only pop over to Wales for a brief visit now and then to open something, the "Prince of Wales" doesn't even have a residence in Wales.

  9. In that case, being immigrants (and their offspring), they should open their many residences to their fellow (less fortunate) immigrants currently in the news.

  10. Saw loads of kilties heading towards Hampden on my way home the other night. Had one once. Never wore it.

  11. I had a tin of sardines earlier today. No idea if they were caught by Pepita's sinisterly blank-eyed daddy, but fair play to the Senhor- anyone who can smile so cheerily while sitting in such an uncomfortable looking position is someone to be admired.

  12. I was made to wear one as a kid, which is probably why I hate 'em, IM.


    That dad looks more like a frenchman to me, DD.


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