Friday 18 September 2015


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

How to make a child grow up with a 'hang up' - leave her name off the title.  Only JUANA gets star billing, while LUISA is relegated to the small print.  So what happened next?  When Luisa learned that she didn't receive equal mention, she fed Juana to TERRY the tortoise in small pieces.  Serves her right for being a glory hog, the jumped-up little cow!


  1. I love the idea that two Spanish sisters would call their tortoise "Terry" :)

  2. Yeah, they didn't think it through, did they?

  3. I would love to be outraged or offended but I know nothing about the Galapagos people. I know more about their tortoises and iguanas.

  4. I find that animals are often more interesting than people anyway, Phil.

  5. A sister and no parent, which is a slight departure from the formula, even though some of those secondary figures are a pretty insignificant in the composition. I wonder, do you think it would be possible to get a name for the illustrator?

  6. I'm sure that someone out there will recognize the artist's style and be able to provide a name, DSE, but it doesn't ring any bells with me. If I find out, I'll let you know.

  7. I find that animals are often more interesting than people anyway, Phil.

    Which is why they work great in cartoons!

    An yeah, I suppose they couldn't think of a Spanish equivalent to "Terry" (though I could go with Terrence if it came to it, I like it when it's eccentrically formal).

  8. 'Taurino' is a Spanish male name they could have used, I suppose. More to do with a bull, but maybe Terry is 'bullish' in nature.


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