Friday, 18 September 2015


Part One

Part Two

Well, I've shown you the cover before, so it's about time to let you hear the record itself.  It includes audio clips from the first episode of CAPTAIN SCARLET, told in flashback and framed with new dialogue.

All together now - "Spectrum is Green!"


  1. Love it. My favorite episodes were the dream one where Cloudbase got destroyed and the fashion show one.

  2. I've got a boxed DVD set of every episode, Phil. Had it for years, still haven't watched it.

  3. I have fond memories of watching Joe 90 when I was about 5 or 6 but I didn't see any Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet till they were shown on BBC 2 in the '90s. I know this is heresy but I find those Gerry Anderson puppet shows to be rather slow and tedious to be honest. By the way, Kid, I've just started reading 'The Shepherd's Crown' which is the final Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett - it includes these little pixie-like characters called the Nac Mac Feegles and one of their catchphrases is "Crivens !" :)

  4. I don't think I've ever seen it in colour. They were ALL Captain Greys when I used to watch it!

  5. Was never keen on Joe 90, to be honest, CJ, and you're right - watching some of those programmes as an adult (when on TV), I thought they were a bit slow as well.


    It wasn't on TV when you were a kid, JP. In fact, TVs hadn't been invented in 1866, old yin. (Hee hee!)

    1. I well remember, when televisions bad just been invented, my Mother trying to explain to me what one was. "It'll be like the wireless," she said, "but with pictures on it. And you'll have to be very quiet when it's on!"
      And the day it came, "Muffin the Mule" was on!

  6. Ah, Muffin the Mule. And I have 17 other offences to be taken into consideration.


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