Thursday 17 September 2015


Was in Glasgow today and as I was making my way out of a record store/bar/cafe, I spotted a fellow staring into space near the door, with his upturned bunnet lying next to him on the chair like a busker or beggar.  Ever-ready with a friendly, jovial quip to lighten the load of world-weary travellers in this crazy journey called life, I was going to say "I was just about to throw some money into your bunnet" when I recognized that it was heavily bearded Scots comedian FRANKIE BOYLE.  I didn't let it deter me from delivering my remark as I passed, but no tolerant titter or amiable answer (like "Go right ahead, pal - I never knock back money!") was forth-coming, just a brief, expressionless glance in my direction.

It's said that many famous comedians are rather dour in their demeanour when not performing, or without the benefit of their writers to supply witty one-liners, but I thought Fearless Frankie would've been more ready to indulge in a bit of boisterous banter with a passing pedestrian.  If he had, then I might've had a more interesting (and funnier) anecdote with which to regale you, rather than this rather empty exercise in name-dropping.

Blame Frankie Boyle for that, not me!  Now, did I ever tell you about the time I met RIKKI FULTON?


  1. I can see tomorrow's headline "Comic shocked by UK Comic Shock Jock!"

  2. The only way I'll ever get my face on the cover of a newspaper, Chris, is if somebody slaps me in the kipper with a Daily Record.

  3. I'm sure had it been the other way round he would have received some sort of comedy recognition award for it ;)

  4. And a TV series on Channel 4 no doubt, AJ.

  5. Cool I really like Frankie Boyle although at times he can go a bit too far but I suppose that's the Glasgow lad in him - I've read all his books and some of his one off lines are hysterical I have longed to try one of them out on someone but so far the opportunity hasn't arrived, but one day !!.I read his short lived comic strip in ClINT Rex Royd (which is now a digital comic) which only ran for a few issues and for me it showed a bit of promise (although I wasn't a fan of CLINT I only picked up issues in the 50p bins now and then) Apart from football stars (Ally McCoist, Paul Casgoine, etc) I have only seen a couple of stars in Glasgow like Judith Ralston (swooon) Una Stubbs etc but I did literally run into Gary Numan when he was heading to his gig in the old Glasgow Apollo. Rikki Fulton - simply put a genius and legend "Scotch and Rye" will always live in my memory.-

  6. Who've I seen or met in Glasgow? (Don't worry, McS, it's not a competition.) Met Bob Hope, Rikki Fulton, Greh Hemphill, Maya Angelou, Stan Lee, Will Eisner, Brian Bolland, Alan Moore. Seen Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle, Ford Keirnan, a couple of actors from River City, Lex McClean, Walter Carr. No doubt there are others who I've forgotten for the moment. Of course, they've all wanted MY autograph and to have their photo taken with me. (That last bit may just be a lie.)

  7. Yeah but you haven't met Judith Ralston! Lex McClean that is a (Scottish) blast from the past.

  8. Who's 'Greh' Hemphill? Meant Greg Hemphill of course. Seems a decent bloke. And is Judith as nice looking in real life. McS? Hey, but be honest - you only met her when she came out to ask you why you were staring up at her bedroom window.

  9. I've heard of him but I'm not really sure who he is, he is impressively ginger, which is a warning that his temperament might be a bit mobile. You should've dropped the change in to his hat(?) with a quip, something like: 'That'll start you off' but we are talking Scotland, it would probably take him a month to get the price of a cuppa. Whao, two stereotypes in one post.

  10. I just saw what appeared to be a slightly unkempt guy (guys with beards tend to look unkempt even when they're not - trust me, I know - look at my avatar pic) with an upturned bunnet, which is why the the quip occurred to me. Then I realized who it was, and thought he might appreciate someone not doing the 'starstruck' thing, so I made my remark in passing, thinking it would put a smile on his kipper. No reaction, but he did look preoccupied. The public do expect comedians to be funny all the time 'though, don't they?

  11. I'm amazed DSE isn't really sure who Frankie Boyle is - I remember him from when he was on 'Mock The Week' on TV. After he left the show it was thought to have lost its' edge - Frankie was a bit controversial and unpredictable and you never knew what he'd say next !

  12. And DSE is probably amazed that you've never read an issue of 2000 A.D., CJ. That's life - frequently amazing.

  13. FB nearly made me choke with laughter once! - Whilst I was eating, be was "doing" the Queen, talking about her annus horriblus, and "she" said, ....One is so old now, that my f@ππy is haunted!""
    Whoops, there goes the future knighthood! - John Lydon stands a better chance getting one!

  14. Kid, I forgot to say that, like Paul McS, I also read CLINT but only a few issues - it was horribly violent and not my cup of tea. And the only famous person I've seen was Stan Stennet (who ?) - he was popular in Wales in the '70s and I saw him in a pantomime on Christmas Eve 1979, it was the only pantomime I've been to - I was 13 and I didn't want to be there.

  15. The one I liked, JP, was when he said "The Bible says that if two men lie together, they should be stoned. It helps, that's all I'm saying."


    I thumbed through Clint in WHS once, but it didn't appeal to me, CJ, so I put it back. In couldn't seem to make up its mind exactly what kind of periodical it wanted to be. I wouldn't even pay 50p for it.


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