Thursday 2 July 2015


If I remember correctly, the first four BOND films were released about a year apart, the next five had an interval of around two years between them, and the 10th in the series came out three years after the previous one.  It had also managed to lose one of the producers, in that HARRY SALTZMAN's name was missing from the credits, having sold his share in the franchise due to financial difficulties he'd found himself in.

So The SPY Who LOVED ME bore only the name of ALBERT R. BROCCOLI as the movie's sole producer, which trumpeted itself as the biggest and best Bond of them all.  I loved the MARVIN HAMLISCH theme song, and still have the actual 45 single record and LP soundtrack that I bought way back in 1977.  So what say we watch the trailer and return to the sizzlin' '70s together?  I'm game if you are!


  1. Loved coming out of the cinema as a kid after watching the latest bond film. Journey home always involved much fence jumping,leaping about and killing each other a thousand times as we played out our very own Bond scenarios. Hyped up to the hilt and able to take on the whole world at a stroke, was much smaller then.

  2. I came out of every Bond movie half-wishing that somebody would pick a fight with me so that I could show them that, like 007, I wasn't someone to be messed with. In reality, of course, if someone had given me a dirty look I'd have sh*t a brick.

  3. Best part is the stunt at the beginning, goes down hill from then. Caroline Munroe was nice but a terrible helicopter pilot, he should've hired Martine. Wasn't it the first film done in the giant Pinewood stage?

  4. 'Goes down hill...' - I saw what you did there. I believe it WAS the first one done in that stage, DSE.

  5. I never saw any Bond films at the cinema and whenever I've seen 'Man With The Golden Gun' reviewed in the Radio Times (or wherever) the year it came out is either 1974 or 1975 depending on the review so 'Spy' could be 2 years later or 3 years later - as I said, I don't actually remember it at the cinema. I wonder if the spy of the title refers to Bond or the Barbara Bach character.

  6. TMWTGG came out in 1974, CJ, and TSWLM in 1977, so there was a period of three years between them. As for which agent the 'spy' refers to - either/or, I suppose. Never seen a Bond movie in the cinema? You poor lad.


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