Thursday 2 July 2015



LEO BAXENDALE's GRIMLY FEENDISH, just like KEN REID's FRANKIE STEIN, appeared for the first time in WHAM! #4 in 1964.  Unlike big Frankie though, who had the luxury of his own strip, Grimly's debut was in EAGLE-EYE, JUNIOR SPY;  he had to wait until SMASH! #1 in 1966 before he was finally awarded a strip of his own, which was in colour on the back page.

And here it is just for you, you lucky Criv-ites!


  1. ...and of course Grimly must be the forerunner of the character in "Despicable Me" (oh and Grimly might have been copied from The Addams Family"!)

  2. Grimly was definitely copied from Uncle Fester, Norman. Didn't Bax admit as much at one time? It's amazing how much he 'swiped' from Giles' work as well - almost direct copies in some instances. What's the old saying again? Good artists imitate - great artists steal!


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