Thursday 2 July 2015



This post inaugurates a new approach to the scans you'll see on this blog in future. Hitherto, I scanned the majority of images at 150%, but I've decided it takes too long and probably also far too much space in my files and folders, so from now on (unless it's a really small image that needs enlarged), I'm going to be scanning most comic images at 100%.  If you're desperate to see it larger, your computer will have a zoom option which you can use to facilitate your desire.  

Right, having dealt with that, my fading memory is now such that I'm sometimes uncertain when it comes to posts I've intended doing for some time, whether I've already done them or not.  If a cursory check fails to find one on the blog, then I assume I've not yet gotten around to it, and go ahead and do it.  This of course leads to the possibility that I might repeat material (aside from the 'Kid Klassics' posts, which are deliberate), and you end up seeing a pile of images that you've already seen before.

When it comes to the current crop of pictures, I know I've featured a few of them in previous posts, but this should be the first time they've all appeared together in one single post.  If not, I'm sure you'll soon let me know.  Looking at the first five* eight covers on display, it's hard for me to grasp that I was yet a schoolboy when these comics first came out and, though they're not the actual copies I bought back in the day, I've had these replacements for far longer than I ever had the originals.

The remaining four cover scans are from my original comics, which I've owned ever since 1975 when I was still a teenager.  Again, it's difficult to accept that a whopping 40 years have passed since I first picked them up (and paid for them, naturally) in newsagents' shops which now no longer exist.  How time flies, eh?  Anyway, if you have any personal reminiscences associated with these Marvel-lous mags, feel free to share!

*Update: I've now acquired #67 (on 21-8-'23), #68 & #69 (on 17-11-'23) and decided to retroactively include them in the post.


I've just checked, and the size that images display at when clicked on doesn't seem to be affected by the scale at which I scan them.  So everyone's a winner!  Hooray!


I recall jumping into a block of flats in the old village quarter of my town, so
that I could sit on the staircase and read this.  I'm a bit more patient now

The mighty JIM STARLIN strikes again

A lovely TRIMPE & SEVERIN cover

Only 50p, eh?  Must be worth a good few pounds by now

JOHN BUSCEMA's brother, SAL, shows he's no slouch in the art department
either.  Didn't always have an inker that played to his strengths though 

Another TRIMPE & SEVERIN triumph

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