Saturday 27 June 2015


is sucking her stomach in, but let's
not hold it against her.  It's a mighty
fine stomach after all.  (And the rest
of her ain't too bad either.)


B Smith said...


DeadSpiderEye said...

You think she's holding it in? You could be right, she usually had that nice bit of curve below her belly button, a bit like a Frazetta girl.

Kid said...

I'll take that as your approval, BS, and add to it - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!


They always suck in their stomachs, DSE. One of the first things they learn

Anonymous said...

I mostly associate her with 'The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad' but I've read that in 1979 she was in an Italian sci-fi Star Wars rip-off - I think the photo shown here might be from that very film.

Kid said...

She also played Dr. Phibes dead wife in two movies, CJ, and was in Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter. The foreign movie was called Starcrash (if I recall correctly) and the photo does indeed come from that very film.

TC said...

IIRC, it was originally titled "The Adventures of Stella Star" (or maybe "Stella Starr"), but was changed to "Starcrash" before it was released. In the English-language version, it sounded as if Caroline was dubbed along with everyone else. It was obviously an attempt (there were many) to jump on the Star Wars band wagon in the late 1970's. Fans old enough to remember the 1960's, though, tended to compare it to "Barbarella."

I think they may have hoped to do a series, but, afaik, there were no sequels.

Starcrash was lousy, but at least Caroline was cute, as always.

Anonymous said...

Kid, Captain Kronos is a film I've often heard of but never seen. I'm currently watching the first season of 'Blake's Seven' on YouTube - did you ever see that ? Anyway Sally Knyvette who played Jenna would make a worthy babe of the day.

Kid said...

I've never seen the movie, TC, but I'll probably get around to experiencing it one day. No doubt I'll be doing a lot of fast-forwarding through it.


Captain Kronos is quite an entertaining little movie, CJ. I never watched Blake's Seven because it was pure mince, but I'll do a little research on Sally.

Phil said...

Love her no matter what. Though it helps if she is in good material. More please.

Kid said...

I'll see what I can do, Phil.

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