Tuesday 28 April 2015


DIANE YOUDALE - looking like
every man's fantasy.  (Unless that man
is Graham Norton or Alan Carr.)  A
different babe nearly every day.  I'm so
fickle, but hey - who's complaining?


DeadSpiderEye said...

I had to look up Alan Carr, I've never heard him, his pic does make him look as though he might snap his wrist spooning a jelly.

Kid said...

Very aptly put, DSE.

John Pitt said...

If Russell Crowe spent the night with her, in the morning, do you think he'd be Gladiator?

Kid said...

No, but if King Kong had her with chips, he'd be...(go on, you can finish it, JP).

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed DSE has never heard of Alan Carr !! He's hilarious in my opinion.

Kid said...

He's immensely irritating in mine. Bring back Parkinson.

Anonymous said...

Does Alan Carr host a chat show ? I thought he was a stand-up comedian. I know Graham Norton has a chat show but I don't watch it because I don't like chat shows or the stupid celebrities on them.

Kid said...

I suspect you're thinking of Jimmy Carr, CJ, the stand-up comedian. Alan Carr is a overly-camp git.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I'm NOT thinking of Jimmy Carr - I know him (and his tax-dodging). But Alan Carr is a stand-up comedian too - and the overly camp stuff is what makes him funny. I assume you didn't like Larry Grayson either ?

Kid said...

Naw, the overly-camp stuff is what makes him a tedious pain in the posterior. As funny as a sh*te in a plate of corn flakes. I was never particularly enamoured of Larry Grayson, although he was okay on the Generation Game and I didn't mind him so much. Probably because I was younger and wasn't quite paying attention.

John Pitt said...

Anyone for Julian Clarey?

Kid said...

You can have 'im if you like, JP.

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