Thursday 5 February 2015


Dick Millington.  Photo from The Daily Mail

I've just been alerted by one of cartoonist DICK MILLINGTON's children that the editor of TV COMIC and creator of MIGHTY MOTH sadly passed away at the age of 81 on the 4th of this month.  Richard (Dick) Millington is one of the true legends of British comics and his flame will burn forevermore, undimmed even by death.  I'm sure that all Criv-ites - indeed, all of comics fandom - would like to pass on their condolences to Dick's family and friends (including a certain little moth) at this sad time.

His art style was the first that ever made a big impression on me, to the extent that I recognised it a year or two after first seeing Mighty Moth in a TV Comic Holiday Special.  (In 1962 or '63.)  I didn't recall the name of the comic, but when I was idly leafing through an issue of the weekly in a newsagent's shop one day and saw the diminutive lepidopteran, I purchased it immediately.  Alas, another childhood hero gone.  I so wish I'd had the privilege and honour of meeting him.

Below are some of my favourite Mighty Moth strips by Dick.  (Click to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)


  1. My father, Richard (Dick) Millington, died aged 81 on 4th February 2015. He was a very talented artist, best known for his comic creations over six decades. His career began at school, where he copied comic books and sold them for a penny. He'll be greatly missed by his family, and his friends, colleagues and admirers over the years.

    (First posted on 'Dick Millington's Mighty Moth' earlier this evening.)

  2. Dick Millington is my uncle. When my mother, brother and I visited England (my Mom's first trip since after WWII) I got to meet my British family.

    Uncle Dick was talented, funny, kind, and I'm sad that it's been more than a few years since I last saw him.

    I am sad, and thinking of my cousins, and my aunties right now.


  3. Dick Millington was my Uncle Dick. I first met Uncle Dick in 1959. My mother moved to Canada shortly after WWII to marry her Canadian sweetheart, my Dad. As I was a child I heard a lot about my British family, and in 1959 I was lucky to meet them.

    My Uncle Dick was friendly, kind, talented and funny. I was very fond of him.

    He drew both my brother and I a "Mighty Moth" personalized cartoon in 1959, and I cherish it. My mother (his sister) kept a file full of her brother's comic strips. She was very proud of him.

    I'm sad that it's been a few years since I last saw him.

    I will be one of those who will miss him.

    Niece Janet

  4. I see you were confused by the comments moderation, Janet, but I've printed both your comments anyway. I'm sure you'll never part with that drawing of Mighty Moth. Dick will surely be missed by anyone who truly loves comic strips. Thank you so much for commenting.

  5. Lovely tribute, thank you.


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