Thursday 5 February 2015


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When I was a kidlet, I had two bagatelles - a DALEKS one and a FIREBALL XL5 one.  I think I acquired them in jumble sales, though I can no longer recall whether they overlapped or there was a gap between my possession of them, but they were great little things.  In fact, given that its purpose is to see who can amass the highest score, the Bagatelle could probably be regarded as the precursor to modern computer games with which children today are so fascinated.

Anyway, sad man that I am, in my continual quest to reconnect with my faraway days of childhood, I recently acquired the MARX YOGI BEAR Bagatelle which you see above.  I don't think I ever actually owned this one as a kid, but had I known about it at the time, being the world's biggest Yogi fan, it's just the sort of thing I would've wanted.

Well, I've got one now, so thought you might like to see it.  I assume it comes from around the same time as the HEY THERE, IT'S YOGI BEAR movie from 1964, as it seems to tie in with the circus theme of the film.  Of course, as far as I recall, HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, Mr. JINKS, and PIXIE & DIXIE didn't appear in the cinematic classic (what's a little hyperbole between friends?), but I'm glad they're on the Bagatelle.

Coming next:  My CHERILEA DALEK!


  1. I thought a bagatelle was something you ate - I'm getting it confused with a bagacrisps or a baguette. Honestly though, I didn't know those mini pinball thingies were called bagatelles. I had a few but none with Yogi on.

  2. All this talk of crisps and baguettes has made me peckish. I'm off for a biscuit.

  3. Any plans to reaquire the other 2?

  4. If I ever see them at a reasonable price, JP, and not the silly money they tend to go for these days.


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