Monday 19 January 2015


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Here's a classic DENNIS THE MENACE page to banish the Monday morning blues and put a smile on your face.  Why don't comics seem to be as funny as this anymore?  Answers on a postcard, please - to just about any UK comic you can think of.


  1. Actually that is quite a funny page - I can't really tell you why modern comics are less funny as I don't read kids comics (and haven't for years) the odd issue here ans now being the exception but cant recall the contents - I assumed it was as I was getting older or that the newer comics had forgone physical comedy in their strips (PC and all that) certainly I have picked up the odd US "kids" comics and they are not too bad on the humour side as they are less restricted by being too PC.

  2. I think one of the differences, McScotty, is that, generally speaking, British comics nowadays are aimed at a far younger audience, whereas they once used to aim at a wider readership. That's to say, humour that kids AND adults could enjoy.

  3. At least you guys get comics for kids at all. I see a few here or there (apparently they had to put out a My Little Pony comic for instance), but their sales still tends to skew to the grownups who otherwise would be buying these instead of kids (let alone the limited places to them them offline).

    By the way, thanks for this page, it makes me feel a lot better too!

  4. Glad you enjoyed the page, Chris. It never fails to make me smile.


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