Monday 19 January 2015


Mere words are superfluous - simply gaze
in awe at the beautiful JESSICA ALBA.  (And
wipe that dribble from your chin, Melvin.)


  1. Beautiful, perhaps, but seriously miscast as Sue Storm.

  2. I thought she was absolutely fine, GB. And, given the way Sue Storm was portrayed in the early years, just about any good-looking blonde would've sufficed. The only way to miscast the role would've been to give it to either an ugly, fat burd with dark hair - or a guy.

  3. Kid, I was on my phone last night looking at some of my favourite blogs including Crivens but when I tried to look at your new blog I was blocked because of "adult content" - the only way to get past the block is by paying £1 by credit card and then you get it refunded (or something - I've never done it). This happens because the government wanted to stop kids looking at porn on their phones but totally innocent blogs are being blocked too - this has happened to me before now. It's completely bonkers as Crivens is not blocked despite showing pics of scantily clad ladies (tasteful of course but the new internet police wouldn't care) while Melancholy Musings can't be accessed by 3G on my phone (it doesn't affect wi-fi).

  4. That's weird, CJ - there's nothing on MM that could be classified as adult content. Strange indeed. Incidentally, why not become a member of my blogs and add your avatar to those of other discerning readers - you'll feel good for it.

  5. Kid, I don't know why MM would be classed as adult content either and I was quite surprised but, as I said, it's bonkers - that's what happens when a government forces something through due to a moral panic over some issue or other, in this case kids and porn. I only read about 7 blogs in total and I'm not a member of any of them - can you explain what being a member means ? I see you have over a hundred members but you don't get a hundred regular comments - why are these people members if they never comment ? As for Jessica Alba/Sue Storm - only the other night I was looking at the website "Everything Wrong With...Fantastic Four" and it was the first time I'd seen any of that film since I first saw it 10 years ago - I rather agree with GB about Jessica Alba being miscast but I didn't really think much of any of them or the film. But the new FF film sounds appalling.

  6. Being a member means adding your avatar to that of the others, CJ, and making my blog seem like such a witty, interesting and popular place to visit that you want to publicly endorse it by joining. On other blogs you'd be a 'follower', but that suggests subservience to a leader - I prefer the more equal designation of 'membership'.

  7. Kid, I hope you won;t be offended but I'd prefer not to be member as I'd then feel obliged to become a member of every blog I follow too. I already know your blog(s) is witty and interesting - that's why I'm reading it and that's why I comment on your posts, unlike most of your members !

  8. Entirely up to you, CJ, it's just a way of giving public approval of the blogs you visit. Why you wouldn't want to join all the blogs you like intrigues me.


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