Sunday 2 November 2014


Today's 'Babe of the Day' is
MADONNA.  C'mon, who are you
 kidding?  You know you would.


Unknown said...

Always thought she was a good looking woman but nah if I'm going to fantasise its not going to be with Madonna (Debbie Harry circa 1979-85 now your talking, maybe Betty Rubble.......or is that just me?)

Kid said...

Maddie speaks very highly of you, McScotty - she'll be hurt to learn that you don't fancy her. (Betty Rubble? Nah - Daphne from Scooby Doo any time.)

Jim from Downingtown said...

You need to add a "babe of the Day" label to all of these posts, for easier access.

Kid said...

I'll see what I can do. However, if you type 'Babe of the Day' in the Blogger search box on the top left-hand side of the home page, all the Babe posts should congregate together for your perusal.

joe ackerman said...

it'd be something to tell your mates about in the pub, wouldn't it?

" What d'you do at the weekend? "
" I had sex with Madonna. "
" Respect. Have some more beer. "


Kid said...

Ah, but a gentleman never tells, Joe. (Which is why I'd probably tell everyone who'd listen.)

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