Monday 14 July 2014


The time: Sunday afternoon.  The place: Otago Lane, in Glasgow's West End.  The person: The intrepid MOONMANDO, snapping a freshly-painted door drying in the sun (that might be a lie).  The pussy: A friendly tabby, who nonchalantly wandered over and sat itself near Moony as he clicked away.  Pussy posed for several pictures before allowing us to give her chin a tickle as she sprawled on the ground, quite uninterested in the nearby pigeons - who were as equally indifferent to (nor frightened of ) her.  She was so friendly and docile that I almost wanted to adopt her, but her pigeon pals would've missed their feline friend, so, with one final pat, we left her to laze in the sun.

(I'm reminded of that old saying about putting the cat amongst the pigeons, but it doesn't seem to be having the usual result in this instance, does it?)


  1. When I lived in a flat about 20 years ago there was a white cat that used to come in and curl up on my lap - this cat only had three legs and one ear so heaven knows what had happened to it ! Up until I was about ten we had a Manx cat (which don't have tails) and the curious thing was that our cat never had a name - it was just "the cat" or "puss". It never occurred to me that there was anything odd about that and even now I think giving animals names is slightly silly. I've never had a pet since that Manx cat - too much effort to be honest.

  2. I think having a pet and not giving it a name is even sillier. To many people, a pet is part of the family - can you imagine people not giving their kids names? Giving a pet a name symbolises one's emotional investment - and gives the pet its own individual identity. Of course, some people would say that even having a pet is silly.

  3. If I had a pet I'm sure I would give it a name ! I've read your post about your dog's death and it was very poignant - I remember somebody telling me that pets are better than people because pets won't talk about you behind your back or double-cross you which is true of course but people don't have fleas or scratch the furniture (hopefully). When I was a kid my neighbour, Martin, had four dogs and two cats and whenever I went in his house they were all sprawled over the furniture. Two of the dogs were huge Irish wolfhounds and made me rather nervous so I'd sit gingerly on the edge of the settee trying not to disturb them.

  4. I know a few people who, going by the state of their houses, look as though they DO scratch the furniture. Some of them even look as if they might have fleas. What they need, CJ, is more aftershave, deodorant and soap in their lives. (And some flea spray and furniture polish.)


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