Monday 14 July 2014


While wandering around the West End of Glasgow on Sunday afternoon, me and musical maestro MOONMANDO took some photos of some of the iconic architecture which graces the city.  Here are some pics of Glasgow University (the 4th oldest in the English-speaking world) which I took.  MORSE and LEWIS wouldn't look out of place in these surroundings, eh?

Want to see The Botanical Gardens next?  Let me know.


  1. Very nice photos I sometimes forget how nice parts of Glasgow are - was in Byres Road / West end area a couple of weeks ago visiting some other well established Glasgow institutions (less renowned for education ) Have to say I haven't seen the red pillar boxes before (most seem to be gone now nice to see them there are a couple where I stay and in Hamilton)

  2. Remind me never to ask you to post a letter, McScotty, if you can't tell the difference between a 'phone and a pillar box. Yes, Glasgow has some spectacular scenery.

  3. LoL I know sorry again I got it in my head its was a pillar box for some reason - its not been a good day for me re comments on here today (the Thing issues as well arghhh) I think I'll retire from making inane comments for the rest of the week (depending on the "Babe of the day")

  4. Don't worry - I deleted some of the comments on the Thing post, so your reputation is secure. Babe of the Day coming up shortly.

  5. Most of my shots of the day went straight to the trash can I'm afraid. Your photos are by far better. :(

  6. I'm sure you're just being your usual modest self, Moony. Hang on to them so I can get a look later. My photos came out okay because I used a camera made for idiots - and, luckily, I qualify.

    (Originally posted: 15 July 2014 19:35)


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