Monday 14 July 2014


Images copyright DC COMICS

Fans of all things pertaining to JACK KIRBY will already have picked up this interesting new mag from DC COMICS, but being a 'Johnny-come-lately', I only acquired my copies today.  I haven't had a chance to read these first two issues yet, but they certainly look as if they're oozing Kirby-spirit from every KEITH GIFFEN & SCOTT KOBLISH page.  For those who haven't yet seen this new publication, here's a selection of images to give you a taste of it - and perhaps even persuade you to give it a try the next time you're in your local comics shop. 

The BATMAN/GREEN HORNET ad?  It's here just because it's a fantastic piece of art, don't you think?


  1. I was personally a bit disappointed that Keith Giffen didn't draw issue 2 (although the art in issue 2 is still very good) but Giffen, for me does Kirby almost as well as the great man himself did back in the day as seen by his great work on another Kirby character that sadly didn't last too long OMAC -Love the cover design on the "Infinity Man ..." books - certainly imho oneof the better DC NEW 52 titles

  2. Not having done anything more than flicked through them, McScotty, I hadn't even noticed that Giffen hadn't drawn #2. I'd actually say that Giffen does Kirby better than Kirby did Kirby towards the end of his career. Sad but true.

  3. I was also somewhat disappointed by the second issue ( which I just read this morning). Since FP was the second Kirby/Fourth World series I discovered, however, I am enjoying seing the group again.

  4. Kirby's DC properties, whenever they're revived, don't tend to last too long, Dougie, so it'll be interesting to see if this one makes it. I still haven't read either of my two issues - must try and do so soon.

  5. ....But wasn't the Batman/Green Hornet TV team up exciting at the time? And Kato could have easily beaten Robin! It was BRUCE LEE after all!!

  6. I don't remember much about it, JP. I may not even have seen it at the time, and if I saw it as a repeat, I don't recall. Heck, anybody could beat Robin - it was Burt Ward after all.

  7. It started like the beginning of any episode, but instead of the batmobile coming out of the bat cave, gh's car came out of a giant poster. At first they were mistaken for the villains. During a fight scene between Robin & Kato both actors insisted that their character did not lose, so they made the fight a "draw"!!

  8. I think I've seen clips, JP, but that's about it. I'll catch up on it one day.


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