Sunday 13 July 2014


Sometimes words just aren't
enough - and this is one such time.
So you'll just have to provide your own
paeans of praise for the vision of sheer
loveliness adorning this post.  I'm  far
 too busy swooning over her.  (Yes,
 I said 'swooning' - that's all.)


Thomas Haller Buchanan said...

Hi Kid! I hope you meant paean, a joyous song of praise — and not peon, which is a person of lowest social standing. :>)

Kid said...

That's exactly what I meant, Thom - and I remember looking up the difference when I first used the phrase many moons ago. Time, alas, has a way of diminishing even the sharpest minds. I've corrected it. Ta.

Gey Blabby said...

Be careful how you use it.

(*digs out old bottle of aftershave*)

Kid said...

I've still got a bottle of it myself, GB. Wonder if it's worth anything?

Arfon Jones said...

Excellent taste sir, as always!

Kid said...

Thanks, AJ, and may I say the same in return.

Anonymous said...

Actually Kid, it's interesting that you were wearing aftershave because it is nothing more than perfume for men rebranded as "macho". My father had total contempt for the product - he was born in 1927 so grew up in a time when men did not wear scent. He was defending the values he knew just as you now do the same for the time when you were young - but doesn't that prove that attitudes change over time because you were willing to wear scent and weren't bothered what earlier generations thought. Aren't you in danger of only defending the particular values that you happen to believe in ? As it happens I've never worn aftershave because of my dad's influence. Please don't think this is a criticism - I just thought it would be an interesting thought for you to consider.

Kid said...

Actually, you're wrong, CJ - men wore scented oils and ointments at least as far back as ancient Egypt. However, if I wore 'scent' as you call it, I wouldn't have a full bottle of aftershave in my bathroom cabinet, now would I? And aftershave is worn for the astringent effect on skin after shaving, not necessarily to smell like a pansy. Do you wear underarm anti-perspirant deodorant by any chance? Not really any difference in my view.

Anonymous said...

OK Kid, if you don't wear it then I apologise but it IS scent. As for the "astringent" effect after shaving - I don't even know what that means ! Just splashing on cold water is fine for me - men use it for the astringent effect not because of the perfumey, right. And no, I don't use deodorant.

Kid said...

And as I said, men have been wearing 'scent' for centuries, so your objection to it is based on a misconception. Do you use soap, CJ? Most soap (with some exceptions) is scented to a degree, so it's all the one thing in my view - no one is any more manly for not using aftershave or deodorant if they use scented soap. And those that do just smell less offensive - doesn't mean they're sissies.

Mr Straightman said...

If future babes of the day do not include Madeline Smith, Natalie Banus, Caroline Munro and Cleo Rocos... I will be most upset!

Kid said...

I'm sure we'll cover all of them eventually, Lee. Natalie might be a slight problem because most of hers are topless, are they not? I'll see if I can source a clothed example.

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