Tuesday 13 August 2013


Images copyright DC COMICS

Thanks to RIP JAGGER'S DOJO, I discovered recently that a book I've been waiting ages for - In The DAYS Of The MOB - had finally been released and was now on sale.  I rushed out yesterday afternoon and bought myself a copy.  Although I have the original magazine, this deluxe hardback edition also contains the comic strip contents for the never published issue #2.  Well, now you can have both issues in the same valiant volume.  Don't waste your money on food, clothes, or any of the other unnecessary luxuries with which you can do without - run right 'round to your nearest comicbook store as soon as you can and holler "Make Mine Kirby!"


  1. Hi Kid,

    This book is on its way to my collection. I'm really glad they collected the unpublished contents. Kirby was very much at home working on mob stories, and his work on In The Days of the Mob is worthwhile. It's too bad DC didn't give it time to find an audience.

  2. Hi Nick. It's well-worth having - it even reproduces the free Dillinger poster. Kirby must've felt frustrated right from the off at DC, given his expectations after Marvel.


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