Monday 12 August 2013


Yes, yes - I'm quite sure you're fed up with seeing little YOGI on his scooter all over this blog, but he arrived home from his 'extended holiday' in Australia today and is settling in nicely.  Not cheap, but well worth the dosh to be reunited with an item from my earliest childhood and the memories associated with it.

A few years back, I read a newspaper article about a fella who ran a 'Teddy Bear Hospital' (or some such thing).  People would bring in (or send him) their old teddies when they were a bit the worse for wear and he would repair them, restoring them to pristine newness.  Why did he run such a venture, he was asked.  Turned out that, when he was a boy, his mother took his teddy bear away from him on the grounds that he was 'too old' for it.  That was the start.

He missed his ted so much that, over the years, he developed a kind of obsession with teddy bears and started collecting them to fill the void left by the forced removal of his little chum from boyhood.  One thing led to another and, eventually, he decided to combine business with pleasure, so that he could devote himself to the things he loved most in all the world.  (After his wife, of course.  Yes, I'm pretty sure he had a wife.  That's Trekkies you're thinking of.)

Similarly, the memory of this toy has haunted me for nigh-on 45 years.  Never seen one at toy fairs, swap-meets, memorabilia shows, or anywhere such collectables are usually found.  What's more, nobody to whom I mentioned it had any knowledge or recollection of it.  Then I do a post on my blog and, hey presto - about a month or so later someone responds, telling me they've got one.

Anyway, the photos shown on my previous posts on the subject were supplied by the seller - these ones were taken by myself only about half an hour ago, so I thought I'd share them with you here.  Don't lie - you're jealous, aren't you?  Oh, yes you are!


  1. Congratulations on your acquisition kid.

  2. Rosebud...

  3. That's the name of the place, Jake?

  4. Just don't leave any pic-a-nic baskets lying around!


  5. Kid, Rosebud is probably the most famous cinematic icon!
    Have you never watched 'Citizen Kane'?

  6. Too late, Ken. He's had them all.


    Jake - years ago. But a company called Rosebud make a dolls hospital and I thought you might be making some kind of connection to the teddy bear one I'd mentioned.

    In reference to Citizen Kane - my sled was named after Fireball XL5.

  7. Kid, this idea of sending anonymous comments with a name is not going to work! I did send the first comment with the words "Rosebud..." on 13 August 2013 00:31, but the following explanation at 13:24 was not by me, as I was at work at that time! Although what the guy wrote was okay, my name was hijacked! It was interesting that my supposed comment was written 1 minute after "ken".
    I will continue to read your blog, but I will no longer submit comments as Jake. That way you will know if it is the guy(s) who like to make mischief, if he does it again as Jake. Jake is the only name I have used on your site. Maybe I will return to commenting some other way after this storm dies down, but not in the near future. I don't like all these online games by some people who have nothing better to do.

  8. So that's two identities that have been hijacked, eh? And these losers call me a 'troll'.

  9. And I note that the same nutjob is still submitting comments in the hope of having them published. Not even being read, but he's obviously too stupid to believe me. Waste your time and energies all you want loser. Don't bother me none.

  10. But his paws don't even reach the handlebars. I iz confused.

  11. He uses telekinesis to steer, M.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
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appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
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