Tuesday 13 August 2013


I've just made an interesting discovery - my blog has been hijacked.  LUPUS FOG BLOG seems to consist mostly of posts from this very site, occasionally interspersed with posts from some other source.
I'm puzzled.  Is it meant as a tribute in some way, or has some lazy person just decided to take the easy route because he has nothing to write about himself?  They say that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", but is this imitation - or simply a rip-off?   


  1. Curiosity is going to get the better of me, gonna have to take a peak! ( see how many I recognise? )

  2. Have you seen the comment on his last post?

  3. The strangest angle to this is that he or sher names the blog Lupus Fog which is a very serious brain disorder. Why would you feel the need to make light of such a terrible disorder. Very strange and not in the best taste.


  4. I just checked, JP, and saw your comment. The person may never get to see it 'though, as it looks like the site has been abandoned.


    I think I can guess, Ken. Someone is no doubt 'ironically' trying to suggest that my posts are the work of someone with a brain disorder. No doubt the work of one of the many anonymous persons who try to leave insulting comments on my blog a lot of the time.

  5. I don't always agree with your posts but what he/she has done is out of order. Are the image addresses identical to yours when you click on them? If so he's stealing your bandwidth too. Report it to Blogger for copyright infringement.

  6. PS, looks like he's being copying your posts since April 28th 2012 so its not new. Before that there's two years of posts that you didn't write.

  7. Wow! Someone is obviously obsessed with me, eh? Haven't clicked on the image addresses, but I've contacted Blogger about it. They should be able to track down the culprit.

  8. Click on his profile. Whoever it is also has a blog about Moslem recipes so that narrows it down perhaps? Know any such peopole who have issues with you??

  9. No, but he or she may have nicked them from someone ele's blog as well. We're dealing with a nutter, I think.

  10. No Kid, I've checked the name in my PE bag and I am me. What is that last post re Lupus about from our strange mystery visitor? Needs a visit to his/her medicine cabinet sooner rather than later!

    The'Real Deal' Ken.

  11. Having just taken a look at it, I don't think they're personally targeting you.

    It's a sad fact that there are zillions of blogs out there that scrape content from other sites in order to avoid having to do any writing themselves. They then sit back and wait for all that "massive" adsense income to come flooding in.

    Chances are they blundered across your blog randomly and decided to use whatever you wrote from that point on. The fact that they were scraping from a totally different blog before they started doing it to yours suggests that's the case.

    The Lupus Fog title's probably been chosen because it's something that people who've been diagnosed with it are likely to Google in order to get more information. Therefore it can be used to drive traffic to their site.

    Also, they probably think the title will increase the value of the ads on their site. Sites devoted to Illnesses and/or legal problems tend to generate ads of a higher value than most other subjects.

    Basically, it looks like it's being done for financial rather than personal motives.

  12. Theres always the possibility its some google bot repeating posts on a dead site? Probably not but might be. Might be worthwhile asking around to see if this has happened to others?

  13. Steve and Jim, I've just discovered that at least some of these other posts are from a site connected to someone I know. The person didn't know about his posts being lifted, and it seems a bit of a coincidence that posts from two people who know one another are being featured on another blog. As far as I can ascertain, the blog has no connection to any official sites about the condition of lupus fog, so its motivations remain highly suspect to me. They are using the name without having any links to anything about the illness.


    Anonymous 'Ken', the fact that you have to steal someone's identity in order to slide under the radar reveals you as the sh*t-stirrer you are. Nobody has said anything negative about the condition of lupus fog, despite your best (but ultimately futille) attempts to suggest otherwise. What a loser. What a nutter.

  14. Very strange and rather pathetic of the blogger (well anyone) if they are indeed doing this for financial gain stealing others work and piggybacking on a the back of a rather serious illness to get a financial hit from advertising ( especially as it has no connection to the illness) - I think "Ken 2" (not the "real one") complaints re your "nutter" references are a bit hard, ok the person doing that site may have Lupus Fog but I think he/she would have noted that on his/her site, and the illness (according to the sufferers official site) does not refer to at sufferers"stealing others work its about memory problems (I had a neighbour who suffered from this) McScotty

  15. McScotty, some disturbed individual is targeting me on this site (whether they're connected to the other one or not) for the sole purpose of michief-making and sh*t stirring. I've been receiving loads of comments which I've been deleting unread, so now the person concerned has resorted to stealing the identities of regular commenters in order to sneak in with provocative remarks. You'd think they'd have better things to do with themselves.

    Are you the Mr McScotty on Comics UK?

  16. Well it seems like this person may indeed be trying to be a wee bissum , or maybe didn't pick you up correctly - Yes I am indeed "Mr McScotty" (aka Captain Haggis - I lost my password on that one lol) on Comics UK did I err? (or just talk mince, I do that a lot):0) McScotty

  17. It's either a nerd with a lot of time on their hands who knows a lot about computers or just a bot on auto pilot pilfering code from blogs. I've seen the latter happen before so it might be that.

  18. Kid the Lupus Fog Blog hasn't been updated since February. No one is targeting you, its just some kind of scam like Steve said to draw traffic to their site and increase hits for adsense income. Panic over.

  19. Hi Kid, couldn't but notice you've got some problems Mr. Obtuse. Blogger/Google doesn't make the full server logs available to its bloggers unless they're ordered to by a court it seems.You might consider utilizing Google Analytics (maybe you already do, I didn't check) but this service used to work with Blogspot too and it should give you an exact IP for every visit: http://statcounter.com/free-invisible-web-tracker/

    I should mention that using a free tracking service carries its own risks, the data from your site will be available to the company providing that service and they could decide to sell your data on. Anyway I hope this gets sorted soon, it seems unnecessarily distressing. I hope you forgive the anon but I'm not really up for this kind attention myself, I'm too fragile.

  20. Scimitars up and load the cannon! And may the devil take the first man to cry quarter! M.P.

  21. Aaaarrrrrrrr! Me 'earties!

  22. Kid, I don't know if this will help you track down Lupus Fog, but they are currently posting another blog called MARISA MUSLIMAH, which IS regularly being updated?

  23. Thanks, JP - I'm currently waiting to hear back from Blogger. I don't actually mind so much about them lifting my posts as I do the seeming association with a serious brain disorder.

  24. This happened to "the other feller" too, once. Except that was some kid of about 11 or 12 who was actually trying to write a comic blog, but just stole other people's posts when he couldn't be bothered to think up anything himself.

  25. I guess that this particular person must be older, Mike. There can't be too many 11 year olds who cook, I wouldn't think.

  26. Kid, unfortunately their are many kids who are able to and have to by necessity cook as careers for their disabled parents. Having had a fairly normal childhood, well up to aged 10, I think it a great shame that successive govts have failed to fully support these young heroes.

    On the flip side I remember reading about a 12 year old child caught cooking as part of a crew in a meth lab raided by police in Texas.

    It sure is a grand old world we live in!

    On that happy note........


  27. I'd imagine those kids rustle up things like sausage, egg & chips for their parents, Ken. (Or pop something in the microwave.) I was thinking more along the lines of Gordon Ramsay type recipes, which I imagine few ordinary kids would be into. They take too long.


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