Wednesday 22 May 2013


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Here's an unlikely sight - DOCTOR WHO being served a nourishing 'nosh-up' by his best pals, The DALEKS.  How did such a thing come about?  Stay tuned for upcoming posts, in which all shall be revealed.  You may now know how the story ends, but the fun is in discovering how it culminated in this curious conclusion.  And did you catch that reference to the Doctor being an Earthman?  Interesting, eh?


  1. Now THAT was QUICK!! Didn't remember the album, so I couldn't have sent off for one, so that's anothet thing which I must see a picture of! But I do remember that the first 25 cards came in one packet and then after a while 26 to 50 were released in a box with a different design on the back which made collecting the full set twice as easy with less swaps!

    1. Any idea how far apart the two sets were? Could have been the Summer for the first 25, and Autumn/Winter for the next 25? Or was the second set the following year?

  2. Apparently the album was just a standard album, with nothing to distinguish it as being specifically for Dr Who. Same album for different sets of cards in other words.

  3. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue about the gap between them, it could be either/or of your suggestions.


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