Tuesday 21 May 2013


Copyright relevant owner

Here are three more super stories from the TV CENTURY 21 SUMMER EXTRA from 1965 that we didn't cover last time 'round.  The free gift that came with this issue recently sold on eBay for nearly £90, which is close to what the comic commands by itself these days, depending on condition.  Just think, you've now got most of that comic through the auspices of this blog - and it didn't cost you a penny!  (A heart of gold I have and no mistake, cor blimey, guv'nor.)

I well recall the warm summer early evening I bought this Special from my local newsagent's, and the thrill of owning such a bumper-sized comic containing all my television favourites.  Of such moments are memories made, memories that last forever and warm us with the glow of long-ago summers in the autumn and winter of our years.

However, that's enough of waxing lyrical - now plunge right in to the following adventures in the 21st century - and one in 1965.

(Incidentally, the LADY PENELOPE strip is illustrated by no less celebrated a personage than the creator of DAN DAREFRANK HAMPSON.  His signature is on the page below.)


(Click here for Part One.)

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