Wednesday 22 May 2013


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Back in the mid-1960s, a confectionery company called CADET released DALEKS SWEET CIGARETTES (something the PC brigade would never allow nowadays), containing a collectable card in each packet for all fans of DOCTOR WHO and his enemies, the tin-pot tyrants from SKARO.

There were 50 full-colour cards in the series, the last of which I showed you all in the previous post.  Purportedly drawn by RICHARD JENNINGS, who'd worked on the Dalek Annuals of the '60s and the back page strip of TV CENTURY 21, some of the cards are better than others and reveal some odd departures from 'official' Doctor Who canon.

Firstly, the Doctor bears only a superficial resemblance to WILLIAM HARTNELL and is described as an Earthman.  What's more, his features and hair colour are inconsistent, and he acts more like an all-action hero (in a spacesuit too) than the somewhat doddery old grandfather-type who was then on our TV screens.

Some sources claim that two different artists worked on these cards and it may well be so, but I'm unable to determine who the other artist might've been.  I'm not even 100% sure that Richard Jennings was involved, though it sure looks like his style.  Anyone know for definite, feel free to let me know.

Anyway, here are the first 5 cards in the series.  More will follow not too far in the future.  


  1. I'be just noticed that the price for the album is 1 rel ( Skaro currency ) - surely that would have equated to 1 shilling 1960's Earth money?

  2. I'd imagine so, but it must've confused the kids as there's no equivalent printed on the cards or box that I can see.

  3. "1 rel ( Skaro currency )"

    As if the Daleks would pay for anything!

    (Besides, they don't have any pockets)

    B Smith

  4. Daleks might not, but the Thals do.

    Oh, good answer, Kid. (If I say so myself.)

  5. Interesting that -Dr. Who- should be in quotes, that's gonna forestall the, "It's 'The Doctor...'" crowd. These look like they're a step up from the Sky Ray cards although I like the Sky Ray album.

  6. Actually, DSE, as the programme itself has often named 'Doctor Who' in the credits through the years, I don't know what the 'The Doctor' brigade are bleating on about. That's simply another way of addressing him in my view.


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