Wednesday 22 May 2013


DALEKS were everywhere in the '60s:  Toys, badges, games, jigsaws and transfers - and that's just a few items in a huge range of merchandise available to fans of the scions of SKARO in the wake of their television debut.  One such item I recall having was the Daleks Transfers.  I first got them on holiday in 1965, and a year or two later, bought another set, not having seen them in the interim.

The images herein are not the sharpest I've ever posted, but they should serve to jog your memory of this extremely rare '60s Daleks collectors' piece.  Obviously, the 'dabbities' were printed in reverse, as once you'd actually transferred them onto your arm or the back of your hand, they were the right way 'round.

(Although there were 40 transfers in number, only 20 of them were actually different, being merely duplicated on the other half of the sheet.  See picture of transfers below.)

Ah, the Daleks - don't you just love the cheeky little scamps?  (But we'll feature something different in the next post.  Three in a row on the same subject might be trying your patience.)


  1. Great - you managed to get hold of a set. I havn't seen these since I was"tattooed" with 'em! Thanks for remembering to show them to us.

  2. If these are all on one sheet,It reminds me of transfer sheets the 'rag man' would give us for my granny's cardigan.
    They were not daleks they were just colourful stuff in miniature.

  3. Yup, they were all on one sheet. The 'rag man' around our way wanted my granny as well as her cardigan - and that was just for a balloon.

  4. I have these sets still - couldn't bear to use them back in 1965!

  5. Anon, any chance of sending me a better quality scan of them?


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