Thursday 23 May 2013


Wham! #32, 23 Jan 1965.  Copyright REBELLION
I must be crazy! Five - count 'em - FIVE fantastic FRANKIE STEIN strips from WHAM!, and I don't even charge admission to this blog. I'm a fool to myself I am, and no mistake. Anyway, here's the artistic genius of KEN REID at its very best! Savour each pulsatingly perfect panel and marvel at comic strip magnificence at its finest - then come back for some more far-out freaky fantasy and fun in the very near future.
Wham! #34, 6 Feb 1965
Wham! #35, 13 Feb, 1965

Wham! #36, 20 Feb 1965

Wham! #37, 27 Feb 1965


  1. Less is more...
    Frankie for salad, Frankie for appetizer, Frankie for salad, Frankie for main dinner and Frankie for dessert!!!!! A five course meal of Frankie!!!
    Maybe a diet of 1 Frankie a week over a period of a month would have been easier for the eyes and mind to savour the taste and to digest!

  2. Ah, but there's nothing to stop you from reading them in accordance with your suggested schedule. After all, it's similar to me putting a plate of biscuits in front of you - you're not obliged to scoff them all in one go. (Huh! I'm giving quality AND quantity and getting complaints. I'm off to have a sulk!)

  3. Kid, without doubt you are too good to us!! As these are never likely to see the light of day though collections of any other sort it is a real public service you are performing here. Reid can get some mileage out of the simplest of situations - such as the crow running off with Frankie's soap. And the expression on the park warden's face in the second last panel of no 36 is a piece of cartooning brilliance to be sure! Thanks again for sharing.

  4. At last - someone who appreciates me.

    On a serious note for a moment, it's my hope that, by publishing these pages, it might create a demand amongst those who were previously unaware of them. That way, the potential audience may grow enough to make it worth some publisher's effort to issue a collected edition at some time in the future. It also helps to keep Ken Reid's name and artwork alive.

    Of course, mine isn't the only blog which does this - there are quite a few whose aim is the same, I'm sure.

  5. Have to agree with "Philsee" just brilliant, and again (like the last batch) I have not seen these strips before so doubly wonderful - McScotty

  6. Another discerning and appreciative reader. It warms the ol' cockles of me 'eart, so it does, guv'nor.


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