Monday 27 May 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Only one issue of The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL this time around, but what an issue it is.  Containing the STAN LEE STEVE DITKO tale, "I USED TO BE... HUMAN!", this classic was worth the cost of 5 pence by itself back in 1973 - and then some.  I've posted this story before, from the 1968 FANTASTIC annual, but that version's text had been slightly revised in places.  Not so with this presentation, which is exactly as Stan typed it and ARTIE SIMEK lettered it.  (The panels were slightly cropped, however, to fit the different U.K. page dimensions.)

There's no point in me saying "enjoy" - how can you fail to? 


  1. Hi Kid,

    Cover is by Dick Ayers, likely inked by Mike Esposito. That is a great Lee-Ditko tale. Thanks, as always, for sharing.

  2. Always a pleasure to hear from you, Nick. Thanks for the info.

  3. As soon as you see the hand you can TELL it's Ditko! Do you know if he did any strips for ACG comics?

  4. Indeed he did, JP, but I don't think it was a huge amount. He did some work for them after he left Marvel in 1965.

  5. The story illustrates an interesting a point, there's a reasonably strong association with Bradbury's Dark they were and Golden eyed. It's interesting to me because when I first encountered Bradbury I thought, -these stories seem familiar- It's a certainty that Lee was familiar with Bradbury and he and Ditko came up with a fantastic take on the theme.

  6. Can't remember if I've ever read any of Bradbury's books, but it wouldn't surprise me if everybody 'borrowed' from everybody - if you know what I mean. (Wink, wink!)


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