Monday 27 May 2013


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

As you'll know from the previous post in this series, there was once an item of confectionery for kids manufactured by CADET (the confectionery, not the kids) which came with a collectable card in each packet - 50 in total.  Dr. WHO & The DALEKS cards are now extremely sought after and command quite a few pounds these days  so I hope you appreciate my generosity in letting you see both sides of them and not charging a penny.

Believed to be drawn by RICHARD JENNINGS, one of the artists on the '60s Dalek Annuals and back page TV CENTURY 21 strip, they portray a far more energetic Doctor than we were then used to seeing on our television screens.  Perhaps he had a secret stash of extra-strength vitamin pills that he was popping, who knows?  (No pun intended.)  Oh, and he seems to be from Earth, not Gallifrey, according to whoever it was who scripted the cards.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this blast from the past - keep your peepers peeled for Part Three - coming soon.


  1. I certainly DO appreciate it, Kid, as I recently saw a set going for 150 quid on the internet ( or 3000 rels, Skaro currency!! ) Incidentally, it must have been confusing on Skaro with the " rel " also being a unit of time as well ( roughly equivalent to one Earth second ).

  2. A set just sold on eBay last week for £46 - just depends on who's bidding on the day, I suppose. Regarding the word 'rel', I think it's pretty clear that whoever scripted the cards didn't really know a lot about Dr Who. (No Tardis, Dr an Earthman, etc.) Shocking.


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