Tuesday 28 May 2013



Here's another 'errant' part of my childhood recently returned to the fold.  I managed to pick it up on eBay for a mere couple of quid and can now place it alongside #2, which I re-acquired 32 years ago to replace the one I had as a youngster.  At this rate, I'll need to live for another couple of hundred years or so to have any hope of completing the set.

To read my reminiscence of when I first owned these collectable little BATMAN books, click here.


  1. Was a big Batman fan in the 60s. Came across these books in 1969 when they obviously had been sitting unmolested for a few years in a rather hap hazard type of newsagents shop. My parents had just split up and my Uncle Raymond offered to buy me one as a bit of a cheer me up. I couldnt make my mind up as to which one to choose. Uncle Raymond bought me all five that we're on offer. A real act of kindness from a nice bloke. I only tell this story to illustrate that a small kind gesture can etch a happy memory for a life time. Uncle Raymond passed away with cancer earlier this year. RIP Raymond.


  2. Here's to your Uncle Raymond, Ken - for being one of life's good guys.


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