Wednesday 1 May 2013


Images copyright relevant owner

Continuing with our TV CENTURY 21 theme, here's part four of the never-before-reprinted* FIREBALL XL5 strip from #4 in 2065.  (Yup, you read that bit right.)  Drawn by GRAHAM COTON, who was replaced by MIKE NOBLE for a new adventure in #6, this art made quite an impression on me as a six-year-old boy.  After all, what's not to like?  (Though, as I said in the previous posts, TV21 editor ALAN FENNELL wasn't too keen on it.  Just goes to show that not only was Mr. Noble a hard act to follow, he was equally as difficult to precede.)

*Update: Until 2023, in the Fireball XL5 60th Anniversary Comic Anthology.

Fifth and final part coming soon, chums.  Don't miss it!

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