Thursday 2 May 2013


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Strangely, whenever I think back to the days of the revamped SMASH! and the very first case of CURSITOR DOOM, it feels like it lasted longer than only six episodes over a period of five weeks.  The CASE Of KALAK The DWARF, in memory, was of epic duration, stretching out for several months at least.  But no!  Sure enough, a mere five weeks later, the tale was told - and then it was on to the start of a new adventure in the following issue.

Nowadays, if I blink, five weeks have come and gone before I even know they're here.  How things change, eh?  Something that hasn't changed, however, is the sheer awesomeness of ERIC BRADBURY's evocative art, which is as effective today as it was back in the distant days of 1969.  So, settle into your chair and dunk that digestive in your cuppa.  Ready?  Good, now prepare to enter the strange and sinister world of mystery and imagination!  But first check behind you - you never know who (or what) may be lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce.

Okay, now that I've set the mood - enjoy!

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