Monday 4 March 2013


I can actually remember reading this specific episode of JOHNNY
FUTURE back in 1967. There's nothing particularly unusual about that
'though, as I recollect quite a number of comic strips from the first time
I read them. I especially recall taking note of the 2nd panel in the above
page as I sat on the floor in front of the TV, almost 46 years ago. At one
time I could probably have told you what programme was on, but age
has dimmed my ability to educe such extraneous detail with the
same accuracy as I was once able to.
Not that such a trivial thing will spoil your enjoyment of the fantastic
LUIS BERMEJO extravaganza which now lies before you, I'm sure. And
whom am I to hold you back from its delights with my seemingly never-
ending intro? Feel free to get stuck right in. And, if you'd like to leave
a comment of appreciation for this classic superhero adventure strip
from the '60s, then don't let me (or anyone else) stop you.


  1. You remember 1967? They say... ".if you can remember the 1960's, you were not really there!!!!"

  2. And I say...if I wasn't really there, how can I remember them?


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