Monday 11 February 2013


Copyright relevant owner

You're looking at the cover of the first issue of KRAZY - IPC's then-latest comics offering back in 1976.  However, all the images in this post were scanned from the IPC file copy which was gifted to me by an editor on one of my regular trips down to London in the mid-'80s.  If you look carefully, you can see the handwritten notations detailing what each page cost in terms of script, art and lettering.

Interestingly, the notes only continue up to the centre-spread - after which each page is curiously absent of any details pertaining to the cost of producing this once-popular periodical.  I can only guess as to why; perhaps the issue was misplaced and the process begun again and completed in another copy.

I know that ODHAMS PRESS used to have duplicate bound volumes of each year's collection of a particular title - one with typewritten notes of contributors' fees pasted to each page of the comic.  Perhaps IPC also did this, and the copy of Krazy in my possession was a temporary measure, begun but then abandoned in favour of the more usual method.

That's just speculation on my part, of course - I'll never know for sure unless someone with some inside information decides to share it with me.  (Hint, hint!) 

Want to see the second half of the mag?  Then be sure to click here after leaving a message in the comments section. 


  1. Interesting to see those notes - thanks for sharing!

  2. Ah, but you never said if you want to see the rest of the issue.

  3. £50 (in 1976 money!) for drawing a map of Krazy Town? Oh to be alive and talented at that time!

    Go on, show us the rest - I only have "later" issues of Krazy in my stash.

  4. Oh, all right then. I'll have to scan them first.

  5. A brilliant post. Krazy should have run and run.

  6. Really interesting. money's not bad for 76, that flick strip would be a nice bonus.


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