Monday 11 February 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

For all you frantically flapping FOOM followers, here's Part Three of our sensational series devoted to MARVEL's magnificent magazine from back in the sizzling '70s.  This time around, ol' Winghead himself - CAPTAIN AMERICA - is the featured cover star, with an article detailing his enthusiastic 1940s exploits on the silver screen.  Were you a FOOM fan back in the day?  Feel free to share your reminiscences about Marvel's club magazine in the comments section.

(Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)

It's interesting to note that in the above article, JACK KIRBY doesn't mention JOE SIMON even once,
thereby giving the impression 
he did it all by himself.  Other sources say that The CHALLENGERS Of
UNKNOWN was co-created with DAVE WOOD (or Joe Simon), but again, no mention by Kirby.

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