Sunday 4 November 2012


Copyright relevant owner

BLIMEY!  Ol' LINKY is back - and he seems a little hot under the collar.  (If he had one, that is.)  Here I thought he was a pillar of the community, but it turns out that's just not enough for him - he wants a column all to himself.  Just look at him climb up NELSON's.  (No sniggering, you lot - this isn't the FRANKIE HOWERD show.)  Incidentally, I haven't trimmed off the panel borders on the sides of the pages in the scanning process - that's the way they were printed in FANTASTIC #6, back in 1967.  (In my copy anyway.)

Remember to stay tuned for more Fantastic adventures of The MISSING LINK!  (For Part Seven, click here.  For Part Five, click here.)


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