Monday 5 November 2012



Remember, remember - er, wait just a second, I've forgotten.  No, hang on - I've remembered again.  Tonight is November 5th, GUY FAWKES' NIGHT - BONFIRE NIGHT GIVE PENSIONERS AND PETS A HEART ATTACK NIGHT - whatever you want to call it.  For all those participating in the firework festivities, here's a cut-out Guy Fawkes mask from a 1997 issue of BUSTER.  I think this was printed in the insides of the comic just about every year, and may even hark back to my own childhood - it certainly looks familiar.  (Although, back then, it would've been a cardboard free gift - with its own elastic - tucked inside the comic.) 

Anyway, take care if you're having a firework display or attending a local bonfire - fingers and skin are handy things to have, so take appropriate steps to ensure that you or your kids aren't parted from them.  REMEMBER THE FIREWORKS CODE!   


  1. Of course we across the Atlantic got to have a holiday back when the weather was extremely hot anyway to set off fireworks!

  2. I was forgetting just how distinctly British Guy Fawkes' Night is. Unfortunately, it's not a holiday - just a celebration for kids (and neds).

  3. I've got that same mask in a 1988 issue, so it may've been an annual thing after all.

    Used to love this night in the past - it's also my sister's birthday so we'd have loads of family around, get drunk then set off fireworks in the garden. They'd usually fall over before shooting off and we'd all be ducking and covering stray rockets. Happier times!

  4. Hi THB. Yeah, I think there was at least a three or four year period where Buster printed the same mask every November. I'll have to check my Whizzer & Chips from a few years before to see if they ever used it too.


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