Tuesday 30 October 2012



As a pre-Hallowe'en treat, here's the first published (but not the first produced) episode of JUDGE DREDD from 2000 A.D. #2 in 1977.  (JD had appeared in number 1, but only in an ad for the next issue.)  Note how Dredd was somewhat scrawny (if not downright puny) in this early version, and not quite as imposing as he would later become.  Makes me wonder if the citizens of MEGA-CITY ONE made comments to themselves about cops looking younger and younger.  This story was written by PETE HARRISPAT MILLS (who extensively rewrote Harris's original submission) and drawn by MIKE McMAHON.  Dredd was created by JOHN WAGNER and CARLOS EZQUERRA (who designed the look of the character), with input from Mills as to how the strip should be developed.

Anyway, enjoy ol' Dreddy's first appearance - 'cos he is the law!

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