Wednesday 31 October 2012



VALIANT #1, cover-dated October 6th, 1962, was an anthology title published by FLEETWAY PUBLICATIONS which managed an impressive 14 year run before being merged into BATTLE PICTURE WEEKLY in 1976.  In its time, it had consumed quite a few comics itself, including KNOCKOUT, SMASH!, TV21, and LION.

Some of the famous strips featured in its weekly pages over the years were CAPTAIN HURRICANE, The STEEL CLAW, KELLY'S EYE, MYTEK The MIGHTY, The HOUSE Of DOLMANNThe CROWS, The NUTTS, and BILLY BUNTER.

Here, for your reading pleasure, are just a few of the strips from the very first issue.  Keep your eyes peeled for the final issue, coming up in a future post.


  1. That's not the Kid Gloves I'm used to! Its just as good though :) Great to see the first issue - some fabulous artwork in it!

  2. Of course! There was a 'Kid Gloves' cartoon strip in Buster. I remember that one as well.


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