Monday 29 October 2012


Images copyright DC COMICS

PSSSTT!!  Wanna see some pretty pictures?  Then you're in luck, 'cos here are six li'l beauties to feast your peepers on.  This was the second series to feature ol' SWAMPY, published way back in the early '80s when BRUCE FORSYTH was merely old, but not yet ancient.  (Word is, Brucie was on board the Ark, but when asked whether this was true or not, family friend and spokesman, NOAH JUNIOR, refused to comment.) 

Anyway, enjoy these half-dozen dazzling drawings by TOM YEATES, which evoke the spirit of BERNIE WRIGHTSON without being a slavish imitation of his style. And feel free to express your opinion on these covers in the comments section, if you so wish.


  1. No.12's the definite favourite of that lot - I've only recently began reading Swamp Thing stuff (the republished ones that were in "Zones"). Liking it very much indeed, thank you!

  2. Glad you're enjoying reading them, but as you'll know, the Zones reprints were the original strips from the '70s. They're the best ones anyway.


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