Friday 20 July 2012


Taking a leaf out of DON HUDSON 's excellent blog, ATTACK AT DON! (here), I thought I'd feature the odd 'sketch of the day' from time to time.  I've got a small drawing pad in which I used to practise with a brush pen while having a latte in my local coffee bar - just quick sketches done 'off the cuff '.  They're not finished art by any means, and it's been a good while since I've drawn anything in it, but the handful of doodles contained therein may be of interest to some of you Criv-ites out there.  Remember, they were just lightning-quick attempts to get the hang of using a brush pen for the first time, so please be gentle.

Incidentally, in case you were wondering, 'DUNN KWIK ' is a pen name I use for dashed-off drawings that I regard as somewhat 'loose' - to say the least.  To see brush art as it should be done, why not jump over to Don's blog at the above link?  


  1. Cool.
    Funnily enough i had a look at Dans sketch of the day yesterday,and I thought,"thats a good idea fer yer non content blog Bob".

    I bought an ink-fed Pentel brush a wee while back and have done a few bits and pieces without pencils.

    My first ever was a gorilla grodd holding a defeated flash.
    It was not what I set out to do ,it just suited the brush strokes and one of my kids peered over my shoulder about halfway through so I thought I would entertain him by modifying it to a character he would know.

    Its a tiny drawing and I was just seeing what the brush could do and hair was the obvious outcome.
    Obviously there is a lot to technique when using a brush,but it has that 'authentic' weight behind it.

    Funny thing is,the first sketch I did was good and all the following were not so good.
    I find when I put the effort in it just does not work.
    But if I let the drawing draw itself.......hhmmmmmmm!

  2. Actually, I did do some basic construction lines first - with a biro I think - but the 'actual' drawing I did with the brush. My aim was to see just how quickly I could do it and still keep it looking reasonable. My problem with brush pens is that I apply too much pressure when I'm using them.


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