Friday 20 July 2012


Images copyright relevant owner

Well, things appear to be 'hotting up' for STEVE ZODIAC and his crew - which is ironic given all the snow and ice that surrounds them. Hopefully, all you cavortin' Crivvies are enjoying this fantastic FIREBALL XL5 adventure, this particular episode originally having been published in TV CENTURY 21 #37, cover-dated October 2nd, 2065.

Comics weren't constrained in the way that television was in the 'special effects department' (especially in the '60s), so ALAN FENNELL, the writer, could really let himself go without having to worry about budget restraints.  Whatever he could think of, no matter how fantastic or far-fetched, artist MIKE NOBLE could deliver - and make it look as real and convincing as anything else he was capable of drawing - which seemed to be absolutely everything.

Be sure to read Part Five - just a click away.

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