Friday 20 July 2012


One thing I hope you're not doing is assuming that these lightning-fast sketches rendered with a brush pen are being offered as examples of 'good' comic art.  They're nothing more than mere doodles - but done in ink instead of pencil.  Produced during an idle moment several years ago, they were merely for my own amusement and therefore shouldn't be regarded as reflecting the standard of my finished art.

Anyway, the 'sketch of the day' (as in posted today, but not necessarily drawn today) is a 1960s-looking The INCREDIBLE HULK.  I always preferred the green-skinned goliath as he was drawn in the first five issues of his own magazine by JACK KIRBY.  Consequently, whenever I draw him, there's usually at least a hint of Kirby's version in the result.

 Another 'sketch of the day' coming soon.  (Unless you pay me to stop.)   

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