Thursday 19 July 2012


Characters copyright respective owners

Back in 1966, the WARREN PUBLISHING COMPANY issued a mag called On The SCENE Presents SUPER HEROES.  It featured articles on BATMAN, The PHANTOM, SUPERMAN, FLASH GORDON ("I'll come quietly officer" - little joke there), CAPTAIN AMERICA, and CAPTAIN MARVEL.  It also had ex-clusive photos of the new BATMAN movie with ADAM WEST and BURT WARD, to boot.

I thought there might be some people out there in Bloggerland who'd be interested in seeing its contents, so - starting now - is the first in an occasional series, beginning with the opening article of the magazine.  Future posts will feature each article in sequence - and who knows?  I may even throw in some of the ad pages - they're worth a look all by themselves.  Click on any image to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.  And don't ever say I'm not good to you.

Click here to read Part Two - The PHANTOM!


  1. Many thanks for this.
    Never seen it in full before,really looking forward to the posts.
    I really liked the wooly haired robin character when i first saw him,many years ago in some sci-fi publication.
    I noted the reverse photograph of Robin, cute.

    Nearly forgot you had posted it though.
    Many articles this week.

  2. Just call me Mister Prolific. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  3. I don't know if "On the Scene" was an ongoing magazine series, or a one-shot. I never saw another issue besides this one. Obviously, Warren was jumping on the super hero bandwagon and trying to cash in on the Batman fad (along with everyone else in 1966). Most of the articles were reprinted from Screen Thrills Illustrated, but the one on the Batman feature film must have been new.

  4. I think it was only a one-shot. I haven't seen any further issues either.

  5. Kid,

    The Phantom is having a bit of a renaissance here in the US. In the last three years three different “lines” of hardcover books have come out featuring him. First were the daily strips, another for his Sunday and another for his comic books. This series has the Gold Key, Charlton and King comics.

    Oh, check out

    And go down a little to see “Can we back up a bit!”

    And On the Scene was a one shot.


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