Sunday 18 March 2012


You'll perhaps remember me telling you about my childhood adventures of playing at BATMAN back in the '60s.  (If not, you can read about it here - go on, I'll wait for you until you get back.)

Anyway, above is a replacement I acquired a few years ago of the badge I used to wear on my jumper while running around in my mostly homemade Caped Crusader outfit.  (Only the mask and badge were 'official' items of merchandise.)  Until, that is, it fell off my jumper one night while I was in the school playground at the foot of the street.

I later learned that IAN FREW, who lived in the bottom house in my row, had grabbed it seconds after it hit the ground.  I chapped his door, but he denied having it, so there wasn't much I could do.  It only took me about 40-odd years to acquire a replacement for it.  I was glad to finally have it back in  my possession - it was like saying hello to an old friend. 

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