Sunday 18 March 2012


For those of you who may not already know, AIRFIX (now owned by HORNBY) reissued their 1968 CAPTAIN SCARLET ANGEL INTERCEPTOR model kit a little while ago.  Having had this kit back in the '60s, I recently managed to get my hands on the current one and look forward to doing it justice this time 'round.

Although the box has been redesigned, it still features the original 1960s artwork.  I understand the recent release is a limited edition - but, if you're quick, you should still be able to get your hands on one.

Spectrum Is Green.


  1. I really like old airfix box cover artwork, it's a kind of icon from the time I was a kid. Of course anything good has to be monkied with by idiots so they started censoring the picture by touching out the action from the artwork, you know the stuff made it interesting. I've got this kit hanging around somewhere from the time they repeated the old series on BBC2. I think it's the old style box.

  2. The annoying thing is that it's now moulded in gray plastic instead of white. Probably to stop someone putting new contents in an old box and passing it off as the original.


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