Sunday 18 March 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Don't worry, all you FANTASTIC fans - the following covers will appear in their appointed place in my Fantastic Cover Gallery when the time comes.  However, someone from another blog isn't getting any younger.  He may well be an old man by the time I get around to publishing them, so I thought I'd feature some of his favourite covers all in one post.

So, these are for him - feast your eyes on these Fantastic favourites.

Back page Pin-Up from issue #38

Unfortunately, I don't have the gift - but here's a b&w interior illustration


  1. I'd love to see the inside of that free Apollo capsule again.

  2. So would I - can't remember if I've got the free gift - will have to check.

  3. Cheers. I do feel the Reaper's breath on the back of my neck! The covers from number 50 on are the ones I remember; is that January '68?

  4. Yeah - 44 years ago. I can't believe it sometimes.

  5. would that be a barry smith drawing as pin-up
    I recognise the mimics right hand from somewhere else
    though....curses...thats the grey matter away lookin for something.

  6. Sure looks like Barry Smith artwork to me, baab - he's doing typical Kirby-type hands, as he tended to do at this point in his career.

  7. Anon - didn't have the gift, only the next best thing. A black and white picture of it from inside the magazine. Perhaps you can colour it up on computer and make your own version of it? If so, I'd like to see it.

  8. Kid,

    I'd agree wholeheartedly that the Mimic is by Barry Smith.

  9. Thanks Nick. Good to have it verified.

  10. I just bought 50 and 53 on ebay but I'm saving them for my Easter holidays. Hoping to find other collectables at the Inversneckie Expo next weekend.

  11. Only another 87 to go, Dougie. Start the countdown.


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