Sunday 8 January 2012


Following on from a previous post, one of my favourite toys from childhood was a YOGI BEAR & HUCKLEBERRY HOUND WALKER by LOUIS MARX TOYS.  The fact that it's Huck and Yogi, and not Yogi and BOO BOO, suggests that it's an early piece of merchandise from when Huck's show first hit TV, in which Yogi was only a support act, albeit an extremely popular one.  Yogi soon went on to eclipse the ol' hound-dog and was awarded his own TV show, in which he had his own second-stringers, SNAGGLEPUSS and YAKKI DOODLE.

Marx Toys also produced a range of DISNEY character Walkers, plus other ones, such as POPEYE, etc., but ol' Yogi and Huck are hard to beat.  I've also got a FRED & BARNEY one, which you can see if you click here.  These toys command quite high prices in collectors' circles, and are highly sought-after by lovers of HANNA-BARBERA memorabilia.

When I acquired this a number of years back to replace the one I'd owned as a child (I've now had it for around twice as long as its predecessor), I was struck by the noise it makes as it toddles down an incline, wobbling slightly from side-to-side as it does so.  It's a soft, slow 'rattling' intonation, and I was surprised to be reminded of what had once been a familiar sound, neither heard nor thought about since I was a lad.  However, upon hearing it once again, all the old memories came flooding back in a rush, making me realize that one never truly forgets anything.  It's all still there, lying dormant just under the surface, waiting only for the proper catalyst to allow it to spring, full-blown, back into one's consciousness, bringing with it recollections of earlier times.

Any particular toy you remember from childhood?  Why not share it with us in the comments section?


  1. I had a yogi & huck walking toy when I was a child living in England. I think my brother had one too. I spent many hours trying to make their little feet go as fast as possible down a plank of wood. I think about that toy more than any other that I had.

  2. Then I'm glad to have reunited you with a friend from childhood - even if it is only through the medium of a photograph. You could probably pick one up on ebay, Sian.

  3. kid:
    When you say that one never forget's things' as it's still up there in yopur bonce just waiting for that spark to drag it back into are 100% dead right as l have alway's thought of time as that.
    We are like-minded and it's great to know that l am not the only chap to think of it like that!
    Good on yer Kid.
    Paul Rose.

  4. Oops, only took me 11 years to spot and reply to this comment. Apologies, PR.


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