Sunday 8 January 2012


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As related in a recent post, TV COMIC ceased weekly publication in June 1984 after an unbroken run of nearly thirty-four years.  However, it made three more last-gasp appearances before it finally vanished from U.K. newsagents.  First there was an Annual for 1985 (released near the end of '84), and then a 1985 Holiday Special.  This was followed a year later by a Holiday Extra, containing a mix of strips and activity pages.

It's not unheard of for Annuals to continue for years after a weekly comic's demise, KNOCKOUT being a prime example. Knockout comic was published for only two years from 1971 to '73, but the Annual lasted from 1972 (for '73) to 1984 (for '85) - a total of thirteen books over twelve years.  (That's some going.)

Perhaps POLYSTYLE PUBLICATIONS hoped for the same thing with the TV Comic Annual (though it was probably prepared prior to the weekly being cancelled) - but, alas, 'twas not to be.  There was no Annual for the following year, or indeed, any year thereafter.

With the 1986 Special 'done and dusted', the once-popular TV Comic had finally fallen foul to an unfriendly fate in the face of a feckless following forsaking it for friendlier fields.

Such, as they say, is life.   

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